taylor's virginia regiment

[1], Taylor was also involved with the Valley Forge Campaign. Performance & security by Cloudflare. torn pages 143 and 144. Wounded at Gettysburg, died from woundsLeak, ThomasLight, H. C. First Corporal, twice woundedLawson, Hamp DisappearedMabe, WilliamMartin, A. W. WoundedMartin, John W. Died in hospitalMartin, James Died in hospitalMoss, Doc Died in hospitalMoss, RobertNunn, WilliamNunn, EdwardNunn, Frank Died in hospitalOverby, Thomas Died in hospitalPlasters, W. C. Wounded at GettysburgPlasters, Mark Wounded at Seven PinesPlasters, Joseph Died in hospital at RichmondPlasters, Mike Died in hospital at Newport NewsPuckett, HoseyPack, James Died in hospitalRoberson, William Died in campRoberson, James M.Radford, R. F.Ross, Lewis T.Simpson, HowardShelton, Joseph A. Company F, Captain Cary's "F Company"; Company G, Captain William H. Gordon's company. Signed 17 Apr 1797. He also lists his family and friends' births, marriages, and deaths at the end of each year. This page has been viewed 16,611 times (0 via redirect). T. Lawson First SergeantI. Revolutionary War records that document his service in the 2nd and 15th Virginia Regiment and the Virginia Convention Guards; . In the months following the settling of the prisoners and troops at Albemarle Barracks, letters from Colonel Taylor to Governor Thomas Jefferson [6] [7] [8] [9] cited very poor conditions and the need for food supplies and clothing. Stirlings Division|Muhlenbergs Brigade| 1st Virginia Regiment. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. When the American Revolution began, Taylor became a 2nd lieutenant in the Virginia Continental forces on February 12, 1775, and fought in the battles of White Plains, Trenton, Brandywine, and Monmouth. Afterwards in regiment commanded by Col. Adam Stephen. This is only part of the roll but it is the best we can do now. I desire that my Slaves be humanely treated and not be removed from Orange against their consent. J. Woolwine, 4thCorporal, promoted to Orderly Sergeant in 1861, elected Lieutenant in 1862 and promoted to Captain in 1864. HW1G?ciw|y !8dzTgw6,Z)KU|g?v+?}/v{OohMLbM7.{W?#}l*zgM=]=WO)|\3 NdR3X)VpO0rZE4Oe@8X6v/j_n[4.OV+TvU=@+\c']0 The remaining 350 men from the original ten companies of the Virginia Regiment had been allocated to the two regular regiments of the expedition. EN. Grady, Edward B - State: Virginia - Regiment: 56 (Taylor's) Virginia Militia Image View Full Item Description Enlistment rank: Captain, discharge rank: Captain Creator War Department. On December 28, 1775, the Continental Congress voted to raise four more regiments in Virginia. Promoted to LieutenantBryant, Alexander N.Bryant, A. J.Brammer, T. P. DesertedBradley, M. W.Bowers, JacobBryant, WilliamBowling, John W.Bowling, Henry T.Boyd, Samuel S. DesertedBoyd, William DesertedConner, Alexander Killed in actionCanady, RandolphCanady, Marshall P.Canady, PleasantCanady, ConstantClark, J. R.Clark, JacksonCheely, R. J.Cheely, Graves W. Promoted to LieutenantConner, George W.Cockram, CharlesCannaday, S. H. DesertedCarter, John P. Promoted to CorporalCockram, William HCorn, PeterCraddock, James DesertedCox, ElijahCockram, David DesertedDeHart, PleasantDeHart, John W. DesertedDeHart, Eli DesertedDeHart, Joseph C. DesertedDodson, F. W. DesertedDeHart, EleazerDeHart, Thomas T. DesertedDeHart, Aaron Died in serviceDeHart, RobertDuggins, Edward C. Died in serviceFrench, G. C. Killed in battleFoley, PeytonFoley, James W.Farley, C. P.Foster, Peyton M.Foley, ReedFoley, Fleming DesertedFoley, William S. DesertedGriffith, PerryGraham, JamesGriffith, M. H. Promoted to Corporal, desertedHodges, Robert Died in serviceHouchins, Michael W.Hubbard, S. W. Died in serviceHubbard, Jonathan W.Hopkins, H. D. DesertedHarriss, W. T.Harriss, George L.Holley, John R.Hall, David Killed at Fort DonelsonHall, James F.Hall, David T.Hylton, Ira A. Francis Taylor (all from Virginia and part of Greene's Corp). B.Hubbard, John C.Hamley, HendersonHundy, H. H. KilledHimes, JamesHandy, Peter DesertedHandy, NatHale, Jerry L. Living, from FranklinHarriss, Gran DesertedHarriss, Samuel DesertedHarriss, NewmanHylton, Hardin Deserted, went to OhioHaden, CeatonHowell, CalebHowell, I. C.Harriss, Philip From Floyd CountyHughs, John J. DesertedHall, HardinHall, John H.Huff, John H.Ingram, R. L. DesertedJoyce, ThomasJones, David DesertedJones, William DesertedJefferson, Peyton G. DesertedJefferson, M. P. DesertedJefferson, Thomas T. DesertedLyon, William, Sr.Lyon, William, Jr.Lyon, Silas T.Lusk, Eli Deserted from Wyoming County, WVLusk, Floyd Deserted from Wyoming County, WVMartin, JoshuaMcAlexander, William H.McAlexander, PeterMiles, A. W. KilledMoss, RobertMcHine, E. A. John E. Penn CaptainJ. Patriots of the upcountry: Orange County, Virginia in the Revolution, From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Taylor, 25 October 1779, From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Taylor?, 13 May 1780, From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Taylor, 11 April 1781, To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Taylor, 16 May 1781, Pension Application of Francis Taylor R19418, his ancestors' Y-chromosome or mitochondrial DNA, 2nd Virginia Regiment (1776), Continental Army, American Revolution, 15th Virginia Regiment (1777), Continental Army, American Revolution. 1861. Dedicated on 1 May 1930, to commemorate the regiment for fighting in seven American Wars, including the Civil War when they served in the Confederate Army. Bibliography (Continued), The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. [5][6], With the outbreak of the Cherokee War, the Assembly prolonged the Regiment's service, adding 300 men in three companies as frontier guards. James Taylor, Ensign in Capt. Caroline Co., Mar. 'First Regiment' in The Fan", https://www.richmond.com/entertainment/where-am-i-rva-first-regiment-in-the-fan/article_18771803-4532-583d-921b-938a1f698215.html, "First Virginia Regiment statue torn down at Meadow Park in the Fan", "Oldest Active National Guard Unit Observes 283rd Anniversary", The Virginians Who Fought in the Revolutionary War - Virginia Places, Recreated Waggener's Company of the Virginia Regiment, French and Indian War reenactors, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Virginia_Regiment&oldid=1135432088, Military units and formations established in 1754, Military units and formations of the French and Indian War, Military units and formations in Virginia, Military units and formations in West Virginia, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 1758: First Virginia Regiment, Colonel George Washington; Second Virginia Regiment, Colonel, When the Colony of Virginia ordered the creation of multiple regiments in 1775 with the outbreak of the. This recurring payment can be stopped at the end of any membership year. At the time Gwynn's Island was taken by the Virginians, Major Byrd . EN RU CN DE ES. History will tell the balance of the movements of this command. In Virginia. They marched from Lynchburg July 3rdand were mustered into service July 5thand were assigned to the 42ndVirginia Regiment as Company H Lowrings Brigade, General R. E. Lees Division, they left Lynchburg July 20thbeing ordered to Beverly from that place and this command was known as the Army of Northern Virginia. Davis claimed he was born on July 1, 1877, but according to some sources, A. Tatum First LieutenantJoseph G. Penn Second LieutenantR. Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Williams, P. S. Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Wood, J. W. Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Taylor, D. R. Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Adams, Thomas Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment Int.Purdy, John Company D, 6thVirginia Regiment IntMartin, J. W.Hollingsworth, JacksonDeHart, Jesse H. Company A, 24thVirginia Regiment InfantryDeHart, Henry Company A, 24thVirginia Regiment InfantryDillon, Marion Company A, 24thVirginia Regiment InfantryDillon, Purris Company A, 24thVirginia Regiment InfantryRoss, D. J. September 24th, 1832: Capt. United States Pre-Civil War. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. 10th - Remnants of the old 10th consolidated into the new 6th. Excerpted from a transcribed copy of his will, done by William Kyle Anderson: I Francis Taylor of the County of Orange in Virginia knowing the uncertainty of life do now make and appoint this my last Will. Betty -- funeral was held 29 Jul 1787, with Old Judy, Frank -- bequeathed to Francis by his father, got bit by a snake 23 Jun 1786, Old Judy -- funeral was held 29 Jul 1787, with Betty, Milley -- had a son (not named) born 04 Mar 1788. Queen's Rangers. H. Dunkley First SergeantJames Campbell Second SergeantT. Cooper's troop July 1st, 1813. 1906 : 3: List of Local Designations for CSA Infantry & Cavalry Units from Virginia by Regiment : n.d. 4: List of Virginia Soldiers who Applied for Pensions, but whose Records were not Found : 1913-1917 : 5: Register of Chaplains . William Fisher's Declaration It is said of them that "the most inexpert hands reckon it an indifferent shot to miss the bigness of a man's face at 100 yards." Richard Lee Taylor (April 3, 1744 - January 19, 1829) was an officer in the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War. Am 13. Six (+1) were named in Francis's diary: Francis recorded a number of other Orange County slaves in his diary: Have you taken a DNA test? v. 6, p. An eleventh company was added to the command in April, 1862. John Watts. Availability as of September 12, 2010 PLATES LISTED BY SUBJECT. The Grayson County Virginia Heritage Foundation is established to promote, preserve, and educate the members and public about the cultural and family heritages of Grayson County, Virginia. Captain Ross commanded this company the first year of the war and it was then Company C when the company was reorganized in 1862 . [3] He then built a second brick house, known today as "Springfield" or the Zachary Taylor House. Killed near RichmondSayers, Phil Killed near RichmondSayers, WilliamShelor, G. B. Discharged 6th Jan'y 1814, and Powell elected to fill vacancy. Elected 7th Jan. 1814, served 25 days as private, and 46 days as sergeant, in place of Pippin, broke. Georgia Cavalry led by Major Benjamin Jolly with 20 men. During the Revolution, Francis was initially commissioned captain in the 2nd Virginia Regiment on 08 May 1776. who was ill, barley escaped capture. They had the prime offender arrested on 24 October 1777, and made him run the gauntlet after which the families in the neighborhood were no longer bothered. Independence, VA 24348.