Throughout all the background we are given, from codices to Black Library books to artwork, there has never been a mention or an image of female marines. The Codex offers a lot of leeway on many subjects, offering not a single solution to a given problem, but many potential courses of action. Some things no man wishes to learn about himself. Although there have been cases where certain Chapters have a lower incidence of these twin flaws compared to the Blood Angels or their fellow Successor Chapters, the cure for these genetic deficiencies are nigh impossible, and even eluded Sanguinius himself when he was still alive. Some employ the same scheme across the entire Chapter, while others modify it or change it entirely depending on the squad and company a Battle-Brother is serving in. Those Chapters that do not possess a Chapter home world, but do have one or more recruiting worlds. One must be careful to not make these rivalries too heavy on strife between the various Chapters. The most fortunate and well husbanded of Chapters may be able to field the requisite ten companies, but invariably each will be at least a handful under strength. The Chapters best known for practicing this type of Trial are the Space Wolves, who watch from afar as entire tribes on their frigid homeworld of Fenris wipe one another out in bloody internecine wars. The Chapter's beliefs are centred not on one particular figure, but on the more abstract notion of death itself. Dead worlds are those that millennia ago harboured signs of life, but which have long since become lifeless, arid rocks. Despite this, there are some Chapters that have honed the art of a stealthy approach followed by an overwhelming assault to an art form, not least of which is the Raven Guard Chapter. Gangs of savage psychopaths battle one another ceaselessly for power and influence and the greatest of these gang leaders sometimes attract the attentions of the servants of the Chapter. Warhammer 40,000 Codex (plural "codices", but "codexes" is also occasionally used) is the name of a source book for Warhammer 40,000 armies and factions containing background information, pictures, and rules. Once the most numerous and powerful of the Space Marine Legions, their numbers would be depleted and primacy ended by decades of savage warfare, particularly in the wars of the Rangdan Xenocides, one of the most apocalyptic campaigns of the Great Crusade. In a galaxy in which Mankind is beset with foes on all quarters, it is a tragedy of epic proportions that worlds should go to war against one another. Chapter symbols are simple, striking and easily recognisable, and very often related to the Chapter's name. The Angry Marines are a popular homebrew Chapter of Space Marines, and by far the most famous homebrew to gain fame outside the realm of 40K. The only reason this has been permitted is due to the fact that most people outside the Chapter's hierarchy are clueless to the Black Templars actual size. Instead of superiors, they often regard the officers of their Chapter as equals, especially those rare few who actually bettered the brother they challenged. The events an Aspirant experiences during that trial will live on in their hearts and minds for the rest of their lives. Because they tend to recruit from a variety of sources, Fleet-based Chapters are more unlikely than any other type to inherit the ways of the communities it recruits from. Below are listed the most common types of Codex Demeanours found within the Adeptus Astartes: Below, is listed the most common gene-seed deficiencies found within most Adeptus Astartes Chapters: Some Chapters are afflicted by a flaw that transcends mere zygote mutation and comes to totally define them. Many ocean worlds are also codified as Death Worlds, their seas teeming with predatory life forms. Some of these Chapters utilise subtle modifications to armour and weaponry, shielding them from detection until the very last moment. Good examples of this would be Kevin's tactically flexible Regal Skulls or my the reckless duelists of The Swords of Davion. Although only the upper echelons of the Chapter are aware of the awful truth of the Dark Angels' past, even those newly recruited are possessed of a secretive, even introverted nature. Codices for particular armies were introduced for the second edition of the game. A Chapter's Fortress-Monastery on such a world is likely to be regarded by the populace as some impregnable keep where great heroes reside, and the subject of vast bodies of myth and legend. Of course, most wars fought by the Imperium are viewed as a matter of racial survival, so no justification is required. For the Blood Ravens, this flaw is based on their hunger for forbidden knowledge and their obsessive quest for the truth behind their creation. A force consisting of both types is capable of delivering an entire battle company directly into the heart of an enemy position, a force which very few foes have any chance of countering. By way of example, one of the Chapter Masters of the Dark Angels was born amongst the head-hunting savages of the Feral world of Kimmeria. In such societies, Trials are all but unnecessary and instead of staging formal tests and challenges the Space Marines simply watch these wars from afar, witness the deeds of the greatest heroes and select the victors as Aspirants. Such Trials carried out in an icy waste could involve the Aspirant travelling from one point to another, with countless hundreds of kilometres of trackless snow-blasted plains separating the two. During the battles of the Horus Heresy on Terra and Mars, the stored gene-seed imprint of the Blood Angels was lost, forcing the Legion to have to extract the gene-seed needed for their reconstruction after the Heresy from the fallen body of their Primarch himself. There are strict rules to govern this process. The first thing when writing about your Chapter is to determine why and when were they created? The Salamanders as a Chapter are unusually concerned with civilian casualties compared to most other Space Marines and believe that one of their most important duties is to protect the lives of the Emperor of Mankind's innocent subjects whenever and wherever possible. It is the most solitary of confinements, where no self-respecting battle-brother need look upon his own weakness and invalidity and where he might summon the strength of will to banish the Darkness of the Primarch and recover his sanity. Gene-seed plays little role in defining the character of a Chapter, so creating your own Primarch will only lead to your chapter losing credibility. Dorn's glorious legacy lives on through the Imperial Fists, but so too does his curse. It is a pride, however, that can sometimes blind them to reality and make them arrogant and uncooperative when the battle would dictate they work with lesser warriors. Such punitive wars are normally intended to be sharp and short, and to bring about a specific set of strategic circumstances. Whatever the cause, the end result is a strong distrust in allies fostered by many Red Scorpions which can become more acute over time until many of the Chapter come to believe that none among the followers or children of the Emperor share their own purity and strength of loyalty, and can never be fully trusted. This is certainly the case with the Salamanders Chapter, who favour flame-effect weapons in imitation of their namesake. The Blood Angels are an example of a Chapter that regards the drop pod assault as the most refined application of the power that is the Adeptus Astartes. Despite such incidents, many Dark Angels have served with distinction and honour. Battle-Brothers of a Chapter proudly display the symbol by which their parent Chapter is known on their left shoulder pauldrons. GW Online: Warhammer 40,000: Cityfight: What's in the Book? Few outside the Chapter can even guess at the exact facts surrounding the Chapter's beginning, and those within its ranks guard their secrets well. The Blood Angels are amongst the longest-living of the Adeptus Astartes, with some of the Chapter's Space Marines having served the Emperor of Mankind for over a thousand standard years. Releases photo-chromatic skin pigments to protect against radiation. The Battle- Brothers of some Chapters are focused and relentless in close combat, while others are frenzied and nigh uncontrollable. Other Warhammer Wikis A suppression might be launched against an alien civilisation that has threaten the Imperium's worlds or in order to forestall an anticipated invasion. Death worlds are planets so inimitable to life that unless they harboured some essential resource Mankind would have no reason to set foot on them at all. It is seen as a way to practice mental discipline, focus, and attention to detail. It may be that insurgent or pirate activity has reached such a pitch that the local government cannot contain it any longer and the security of an entire sub-sector is threatened. As any squad type can be deployed in this manner such tactics rarely dictate a major change in organisation, though the Chapters forges may focus on creating drop pods over other types of vehicle, and as heavy support vehicles are slower to deploy they will focus on infantry assaults over armoured ones. Though he will undergo continuous testing throughout his period as a Neophyte, and often beyond, the first trial the Aspirant must pass to be accepted as a potential Space Marine is by far the most significant. After the Horus Heresy and the resultant Second Founding reforms of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Wolves Legion was divided into two Chapters: the new Space Wolves Chapter, which was not compliant with the dictates of the Codex Astartes and retained the name of its parent Legion, and the second Chapter which took the name of the Wolf Brothers. It is a rather large Chapter, and there are plenty of Brotherhoods you could choose from to write about, just as long as you don't bend the canon too much. the Emperor in his darkest days. Fortunately for the Imperium, manpower is one resource it can afford to squander; planets are not. Many worlds with thick forest growth also qualify. It is comparatively rare for a Chapter to involve itself in the practical considerations of administering its home world, and even when one does so, the more prosaic details are often left to Chapter Serfs or leaders from the population. The Battle-Brothers of the Carcharodons Chapter file their teeth to sharp points to replicate those of their own totem creature. As anyone who has ever decided to create their own Chapter knows, the hardest part is coming up with something original, insightful, with excellent characterization and something that hasn't been done already a million times before. Where human life exists in such an environment the peoples are often tough and resourceful, and ideal for recruitment into the Adeptus Astartes. Those Chapters who are descended from the gene-seed of Sanguinius, suffer from the twin genetic flaws known as the Black Rage and the Red Thirst. While the Battle-Brothers of some Chapters display extremes of character, from hotheaded to taciturn, the Ultramarines are balanced in their approach, and often able to broker agreements between wildly differing points of view. A Battle-Brother of the White Scars Chapter. If you see this, your JavaScript might be disabled or DiscordIntegrator plugin isn't working. The main background support for this case is the quote above. The right pauldron displays the Squad Specialty Badge, which indicates the specialty of the squad (Tactical, Assault, Devastator or Veteran) the individual Astartes belongs to as well as the number of his squad within his company. As far as can be ascertained, he has successfully overcome most of the genetic flaws found without the various gene-seed, without sacrificing the unique gifts and traits of each genetic bloodline. The Chapter favours assault troops and tactics to win the battle. Some, like the Blood Drinkers appear to have nearly overcome the violent rages which plague their brothers, while others, such as the Flesh Tearers, are all but lost to blood lust. Warhammer 40k. It is a religious madness that is often expressed with valor and fearlessness on the battlefield, but it can also turn the Battle-Brother against all creatures touched with the psykers gift, be they friend or foe. 4th Edition was released in 2004. The indexes were subsequently replaced by a new series of codices. At the Trial's completion, a successful Aspirant will be taken away to join the Chapter. Under the influence of such drugs, the Aspirant must face the very worst his own psyche can produce, terrors often far worse than a Librarian could implant. He cast himself into a crusade of redemption that only ended in the terrible crucible of the Iron Cage, re-forging the Legion in the bloody furnace of war. Homebrew Chapter: The Swords of Davion, a homebrew successor army, arrayed for battle. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. There are myriad different ways in which pain can be applied, some primitive, others fiendishly inventive. In other cases the Chapter may earn its name in the years following its founding, fighting battle after battle until an appropriate title presents itself. The Warhammer 40k Eldar codex went to pre-order on February 26, 2022, and was up for sale the following week, on March 5. Even the psycho-conditioning every Neophyte endures cannot totally erase the notion that the Battle-Brother is equal in skill, if not rank, to his superiors and he is never afraid to question their orders if he feels they are ill-judged. Although harsh, Humanity can afford no less in the battle for its very survival. The Adeptus Mechanicus plays an essential role in the process, for its highest echelons are tasked with creating, testing and developing the gene-seed samples that will provide the basis of the new Chapters. The Codex leaves the display of back banners to the Sergeant's discretion. Part of this pride and their unswerving adherence to the Codex and its teachings is justified in the purity of their gene-seed and the glorious record of wars and battles won in the Emperor's name. They often make use of a device called the "Pain Glove", which encases the whole body and stimulates its pain neurons. Their taciturn nature and stubborn refusal to accept anything other than total victory over their foes has served the Unforgiven well. An army of half a million Imperial Guardsmen might rely upon a single company of Space Marines to take or hold a fortress, so effective are such Chapters. It may even be the case that a local expression of the Imperial Cult has been declared heretical, and its adherents must be hunted down and punished. During the height of the invasion, the Thousand Sons breached the Space Wolves formidable fortress-monastery, known as the Fang, and Magnus the Red personally destroyed the Space Wolves' gene-laboratories within. In fact, some of the warrior elite of the Realm of Ultramar are known to cast newborn infants into the wilderness in order to test their resilience. Battle-Brothers from such a Chapter are generally more intellectually flexible those from a strict Codex tradition, but may not be able to inspire the same confidence that a close adherent might. Battlezone codices were rules supplements that dealt with a specialised combat environment, instead of an army. This is both disappointing and extremely lazy. But such warriors often hold a darker secret which they keep locked deep inside, their nightmares haunted by the things they faced so long ago. Indeed, many Chapters prefer to keep their recruiting stock as "pure" as possible, trapping them as flies in amber in the state that makes them such ideal Aspirants in the first place. When triggered produces hyper-cocktail of combat stimms and enhanced rapid fresh regrowth before falling dormant again. These worlds are often technologically backward with strong militaristic societies, where male children who show potential are pushed harder and harder, that they may one day have a chance to join the ranks of the Space Marines, who are often known to such peoples as "star warriors," "sky knights," or similar names. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Chapters are established at the order of the High Lords of Terra, but the process by which the order comes about is a subject discussed only within the sealed chambers of the Senatorum Imperialis. Expansions for Warhammer 40,000 provide alternative ways to play the game. In many cases the predators are human, such as the gelt-scalpers that prey on the outcasts of hive societies, culling the unwanted for monetary reward. Others worship the ocean, storm, sky, fire or any number of similar aspects that may over time come to signify the Emperor or a Primarch in the Chapter's own rituals and teachings. With literally thousands of custom Chapter that exist online at any given time throughout the realm of the internet, many readers will notice common story lines and clichs that tend to permeate many fan-made Space Marine Chapters. Because Feral Worlds are rough, primitive, and untamed, their inhabitants invariably provide excellent recruits. A feral battle-brother of the Space Wolves Chapter. The majority of the population still hold to ancient superstitions, and are but one step away from barbarous savages. To feel what Dorn felt. Space Marines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Grey Knights, Deathwatch & Legion of the Damned. Though far from mindless berserkers, they are certainly possessed of a feral exuberance for battle. The battle-brothers of the Raven Guard Chapter launching a lightning assault. Battle-Brothers, and so ultimately, units such as armoured vehicles are always deployed in support of the Brethren. Remember, a good balance of real-world cultures placed in the 41st Millennium can prove quite rewarding if one takes the time to make a simple modification to a name. Those Chapters that call a Death World their home are likely to be experts in fighting in the particular type of terrain it features. They cannot feed themselves or take water and seem feverishly insensible to everything happening about them. Vast populations grow or are imported to service the industry that such resources spawns. Airless worlds are simple barren lumps of rock and ice, and it is rare indeed for them to support life. The Chapter's history of zealous loyalty to the Emperor and the inability of any Inquisitor to find evidence supporting the claims of unusually high standing troop numbers has spared the Black Templars from further revelation of their true numbers. Codex: Drop Troops is a fan-made work of passion, created by nearly 350 like-minded players and hobbyists from all over the world. Note: Much of the text here has been copied from the RPG "Deathwatch: Rites of Battle" with some information from the affiliate Warhammer 40K Fanon Wiki under the Fair Use doctrine. The extent to which the nature of the home world reflects the character of the Chapter and its Battle-Brothers varies enormously, and in many cases it is simply a matter of providing an interesting background detail around which future adventure ideas can be built. He disappeared during the massacre, and his body was never found or recovered. If you create a Chapter from the White Scars, keep in mind they many of these Chapter are aggressive and savage in nature, and have a tendency to compete with their forebears for glory. Squad specialist markings are shown upon a Battle-Brother's right shoulder pauldron, except in the case of some older marks of Space Marine Power Armour that instead display them upon knee plates, greaves, vambrace or within the Chapter badge itself. The Primarch of the White Scars was the mighty Jaghatai Khan. The Flaw of the Blood Angels has also been attributed to a combination of the genetic defects in the Legion's Omophagea gene-seed organ implant, and the psychic disturbance created during the final seconds of Sanguinius' life. The fun is in joining up these disparate points, or changing them as you see fit to create a Chapter you can be proud of. This usually occurs in three stages: The Battle-Brothers of the Adeptus Astartes are the champions of Mankind, but in becoming so they have surrendered much of what makes them human. Others set aside their rivalry and work together until the end. Such observations are in general carried out from a distance, and it is rare for the society to have any direct contact with, or knowledge of, the Space Marines, or in many cases even of the Imperium. To their detractors, it made them more beasts than men. As far as possible, the Salamanders follow the example of their Primarch in forging their own weapons, and while most Battle-Brothers are skilled enough to create a finely-wrought combat blade, the most experienced take great pride in hand-crafting their own ammunition on the eve of battle, blessing each and every round with the Rites of Battle. Most notably, Second Founding Chapters, such as the Excoriators, are afflicted by this genetic curse. He faces creatures dredged up from his own nightmares and phantoms seeded in his mind by the Librarian, who presides over the Trial and judges the Aspirant's very soul. These codices provided background and special gaming rules for the event, along with four "supplemental army lists"; variant armies that required access to certain other codices for use. Perhaps the most well-known example of a Space Marine home world falling into this category is Macragge, home of the Ultramarines Chapter. Others utilise large numbers of bike-mounted warriors, sometimes mounting entire Tactical squads on bikes and attack bikes. In these instances the Battle-Brother sees only death; the death of their comrades, the death of the world, and the death of their foes. Primarch's Curse: The Strong are Strongest Alone, Things NOT to Do When Creating a Homebrew Chapter, Do NOT claim your Chapter was created from Traitor Legion Gene-Seed, Do NOT say that your Chapter is a Space Wolves Successor Chapter, Do NOT claim that your Chapter has cured the twin-flaws of Sanguinius, Do NOT say that your Chapter is one of the Lost Legions, Do NOT claim your Chapter was created from a lost company, Do NOT claim your Chapter was created whole from another Chapter, Do NOT claim your Chapter was secretly created by a Primarch, Do NOT say that your Chapter is a Grey Knights Successor Chapter, Don't claim your Chapter was created by an unknown twenty-first Primarch, Do NOT have your Chapter fulfill the role of another Imperial organisation, Do NOT say that your Chapter was Founded by someone other than the High Lords of Terra, Do NOT claim your Chapter is a Gue'vesa Chapter or Xenos-Aligned, Do NOT Claim your Chapter are allies with the Legion of the Damned, The use of Deus Ex Machina, or the 'Magical Rogue Inquisitor', Do NOT say your Chapter was 'Lost to the Warp', Do NOT claim your Chapter was central to any of the major campaigns, Bolter & Chainsword forum's "Guide to DIYing" by Aurelius Rex, Bolter & Chainsword forum's "Clichs and Lazy Plot Devices" by Rogue Trader, This Founding occurred several standard decades after the climax of the catastrophic events of the War of the Beast - the massive Ork WAAAGH! Most Chapters strive to maintain a standing force of 1,000 Battle-Brothers, plus additional officers and specialists, but the tides of war and disaster rarely allow such a luxury. Battle-Brothers drawn from these Chapters are often just as inflexible in their ways as a strict adherent to the Codex, and excel in one particular field. Though many such worlds are covered in harmless frozen water, many others feature far more exotic, often highly-toxic chemicals. They are well-known across the galaxy for their bloodthirsty nature in battle, and feared for the curse of flawed gene-seed they carry. This genetic curse usually comes in three stages: The Marines Errant never refuse the call to arms or the chance to join a crusade against the enemies of the Imperium. In most cases, the predators in question are autochthonic beasts native to the world, but sometimes they have been deliberately introduced in order to retard the culture's development, ensuring that their every moment is a fight for survival and cultivating the most promising recruits possible. One method is a vision, imposed by way of psychic intrusion by one of the Chapter's Librarians. Upon discovering a singularly valuable recruiting source, some Fleet-based Chapters may even abandon their itinerant existence, claim the world and establish a Fortress-Monastery. Therefore, users are not allowed to create Fanon Space Marine Chapters derived from these two expunged Legions. The world's occupants are packed into industrial centres called hive-cities so that as much of the surface remains as accessible as possible and the workforce can be controlled and focused to maximum effect. Communities living in the midst of a death world jungle, for example, rely on total and constant cooperation just to go on existing another day and none are ever out of the sight of another. Until superseded by newer versions, the 3rd edition and later codices remained valid for the newer editions of Warhammer 40,000. Astartes are always male, even from the time of the Great Crusade when they could turn anyone into a marine. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Many relate to the Chapter's home world or its Primarch, while others recall some great victory the memory of which drives the Battle-Brothers onwards into the fury of battle. Mia Pallas Blog: Gav Thorpe Live! Every Space Marine created from the gene-seed drawn from Sanguinius after his death was doomed to fall to the Flaw. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected Battle-Brother, it comes on in three stages: Since the death of Chapter Master Orlando Furioso at the hands of the Daemon Prince Periclitor, the Howling Griffons have fostered and nurtured a deep and unrelenting hatred of the Word Bearers, and a vow to seek retribution against them and their lord Periclitor no matter the cost. Each Primarch then set up their Legion's headquarters on his homeworld, from which they also recruited new Space Marines into the Legion. Though the Imperial Fists are the best known practitioners of this type of Trial, many other Chapters use it too, especially those that recruit from feral societies with strong shamanic tendencies.