idventure cluebox 3 hints

The Trial of Camelot, Cluebox Megabox - Escape Room in a Box. You can change these settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner). Now you know the third symbol to be set on the gear. Go on adventure with Jules Verne's characterCaptain Nemo, reveal the secrets of Camelot or enter the scientific club of Cambridge! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. As initially the slider is not moving, the only thing you can do is moving slider 4 to the left, The next step is to shift slider 1 and 3 to the left. Du suchst ein Spiel fr einen netten Abend mit Freunden? It is best to write them down. Aber auch wenn du es spezieller braucht, hat iDventure etwas im Gepck fr dich! You can change these settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner).For more information on cookie lifetime and required essential cookies, please see the Privacy notice. Davy Jones' Locker, Cluebox Megabox - Escape Room in a box. Dies erlaubt uns, unser Angebot sowie das Nutzererlebnis fr Sie zu verbessern und interessanter auszugestalten. In other words, this is an Escape Room in a handy format! You can only move the horizontal slider if the vertical slider is in the right position. ESCAPE ROOM IN A HANDY FORMAT - an interactive box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. The other Clueboxes have almost the same difficulty, so you can choose the themeto your liking. ).Then adjust the ray fish. For example if you want the middle wheel to come to the position of 4 and its current position is 3 (the difference is equal +1), then set the left wheel on 3 (2+1), The contours of the figure key can be found somewhere else on the box, Find the tortoises on the box, there is more than one, Press the button with the tortoise and holding the button pressed release the key with the tortoise symbol. Dieser Dienst erlaubt uns die sichere Bereitstellung von Online-Formularen fr unsere Kunden und schliet gleichzeitig SPAM-Bots aus, welche ansonsten unsere Services beeintrchtigen knnten. The red arrow points to the first puzzle piece in the chain, which looks like a torn-off sheet of paper. Speicherung von Drittanbieter-Cookies des Anbieters Vimeo erforderlich. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Dies erlaubt uns, unser Angebot sowie das Nutzererlebnis fr Sie zu verbessern und interessanter auszugestalten. website better and more interesting. Please dontread this tutorial if you want to open box independently. Apropos modernste Technik auch unser neuestes Spiel erschienen in der Reihe Live Mission Game bringt davon einiges mit. If not, use the keys to find and adjust the right position. This means that we will, How do you celebrate Independence Day? 1. Auch hier werdet ihr fortfhrende Informationen und Hinweise im Internet finden. Then move the bars to lock the last keys. transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by Vimeo.. Insert the narrow key (make sure the cavity looks face up!!! Schreckt davor nicht zurck und begebt euch auf eine multimediale Spurensuche. Until quite recently, in West Yorkshire, a tomb of Galahad was excavated. The movement of the horizontal sliders is determined by the position of the vertical slider. Please close and fix the lid and put the lock back (the 4 sliders have to be in the correct position). TOP 5 Great Puzzles to Solve on Independence Day. Die Detective Stories funktionieren nach einem ganz simplen Prinzip: Es gibt keine Regeln und du und dein Team msst herausfinden, wer den jeweiligen Kriminalfall begangen hat, und was die Motive waren. About iDventure Cluebox The Trial of Camelot. *If the figure key is not in the box insert it into the slot at this point. The symbols you see while rotating the wheel can also be found on the wheels near the ray fish. Make sure the hole on the Octopus side is empty, Adjust the moving bars according to the symbols, Insert the last key. Here is the combination of symbols and numbers which you need: The left and the right wheels can be rotated freely when the middle wheel is looking towards the right or the left wheel correspondingly (see the video), Rotation of the middle wheel always causes the rotation of both other wheels. Each digit or symbol corresponds to a letter. Without your consent, no data will Ohne The puzzling was varied. This allows us to improve your user experience and to make our website better and more interesting. This box is advertised as a 90 minute solve. Then you are at the right place! Chris vor 10 Monaten Aktualisiert Folgen Dies ist ein Tutorial zum ffnen der Cluebox. This is a decoder. A box full of puzzles and riddles! To view Vimeo contents on this website, you need to consent to the Ihr erhalten mit den Spielmaterialien also eine Ermittlungsakte ganz so, wie man es aus Krimifilmen kennt. Weitere Details finden Sie unter Konfigurieren und in unserer Datenschutzerklrung. Adjust all the tree bars according to this principle. When you look closer, you will see the starting information on the left side: there are 4 sliders. Every symbol you find under the petals is illustrated twice. Hier msst ihr die Kommunikation zu euren Feldagenten herstellen und diese dann durch die Stadt entsenden, um weitere Vorbereitungen zu treffen, oder mehr Informationen einzuholen. Top notch! It is not possible to rotate or pull them out individually. Dann ist Tin Woodmans Heart wie gemacht fr dich! If shifting the first horizontal slider locks the vertical slider this was not the right slider to start with. Cluebox - Escape Room in a Box. If this is the case dont do anything about it until you read what to do. Hier msst ihr mit modernster Technik einen antiken Mordfall lsen. Du suchst ein Spiel fr einen netten Abend mit Freunden? The large gearwheels are no longer blocked. About Karakuri Super CUBI Karakuri Box is definitely, About KarakuriBad Radio Many elder people, Karakuri Moon and Bear puzzle tells a story about a, Description Around two years ago at Cardistry-Con in, Visual Description Kepler is the newest puzzle designed, Halloween is about something spooky, mysterious and, Labor Day is near, my friends! Make sure the cavity on the narrow key looks face down. Captain Nemo's Nautilus, Cluebox Megabox - Escape Room in a box. Insert the figure key as shown to release the ray fish. by logicalnoise Review #2 Cluebox: Davy Jones' Locker Clueboxes are made by iDventure. Then find the symbol you found in the octopus tentacle on this bar. Apropos modernste Technik auch unser neuestes Spiel erschienen in der Reihe Live Mission Game bringt davon einiges mit. Gattardo ist genau das richtige fr dich! Read more. Dann ist Kaifeng 982 das Spiel fr euch! Gebt eure Antwort dann online ein und schaut, ob ihr richtig lagt! . One dexterity puzzle proved exceptionally challenging. Follow this principle until all gearwheels are turned into the correct positions. Wer war involviert? Insert the narrow key (make sure the cavity looks face up!!! So what if the cost would be high-priced, I actually tilannus several times from the USA, and had to pay more than 30 $ + 40 $ customs. These cookies do not store any personal information. Hier ist der Twist, dass ihr wirklich aktiv in die Geschichte eingreifen knnt, da sich die Geschehnisse live abspielen! Adjust all the tree bars according to this principle. Cluebox had a light story behind it and a series of clues engraved into its sides. Die Detective Stories funktionieren nach einem ganz simplen Prinzip: Es gibt keine Regeln und du und dein Team msst herausfinden, wer den jeweiligen Kriminalfall begangen hat, und was die Motive waren. Please email me the latest information on your product portfolio regularly and in accordance with your data, Cluebox - Escape room in a box. If you'd like to know which Puzzle Box to try first, we suggestSchrdinger's Cat, since it is the fastest one, orDavy Jones' Lockerwhich is also suitable for beginners. As soon as you adjust the moving bars exactly you will be able to insert the keys easily! Schrodinger's cat. Davy Jones' locker is the second one made and the second one I've purchased. Cluebox - Escape Room in a Box. Apropos modernste Technik auch unser neuestes Spiel erschienen in der Reihe Live Mission Game bringt davon einiges mit. You can see the digits In one of the small window besides the gearwheels(in the other side opposing letters). Then visit our shop. Wer war involviert? Hier ist der Twist, dass ihr wirklich aktiv in die Geschichte eingreifen knnt, da sich die Geschehnisse live abspielen! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. To use it, you have to find a code. Ihr selber stellt dabei das Headquarter der Operation dar und steuert die Feldagenten, die fr euch Auftrge erledigen. Hilfe & Support. Insert the capsule into the box so that it fits completely. To view YouTube contents on this website, Wenn ihr noch nicht sicher seid, welches Spiel sich am besten fr eure Truppe eignet, kommt hier eine kleine Vorstellung von jedem Spiel. Homepage Cluebox Puzzles Cluebox Puzzles This is an interactive box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. To send data to Facebook, you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by Facebook.. The keys can now be removed, as they are not longer required. Sie knnen diese Einstellungen jederzeit ndern (Fingerabdruck-Icon links unten).Informationen zur Cookie-Funktionsdauer sowie Details zu technisch notwendigen Cookies erhalten Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklrung. The Cluebox is a brain game that not only provides a lot of puzzle fun, but can also be used as a unique gift box. experience and to make our website better and more interesting. The number of the openings in the key should match the number of the semicircular recesses next to the keyhole. After you gave your permission, you might be asked to answer a security prompt to send the form. The build quality was quite solid and never felt fragile while handling it. Without your consent, no data will Find the symbol from under the propeller at one of the three moving bars. As you can see theres a sliding tile clue on the bottom that has a couple ramifications. The shape of this symbol corresponds with the shape of a slot on one of the sides of Nautilus. However, you will also not be able to use the YouTube services on this website. Sie mchten diesen Inhalt sehen? Sherlock's Camera, Cluebox - Escape Room in a Box. e How to start e Key 1 - Hint 1 e Key 1 - Hint 2 e Key 1- Hint 3 e Key 1 - Hint 4 e Key 1 - Hint 5 e Key 1 - Answer e Key 2 - Hint 1 e Key 2 - Hint 2 e Key 2 - Hint 3 e Key 2 - Hint 4 e Key 2 - Hint 5 e Key 2 - Hint 6 e Key 2 - Hint 7 e Key 2 - Hint 8 e Key 2 - Hint 9 e Key 2 - Answer Deutschlandweit mit DHL. Holding the tortoise button pressed, insert the tortoise key as shown, Insert the wide key as shown (make sure the arrow is pointing down!). For this, third-party cookies might be stored on your device. First push the key horizontally then push it down. The keys have different openings in their bits. Watch the solution video above, you can find all answers there. Seid ihr eher Fans von historischen Geschichten, oder es zieht euch in die Ferne? They exist for you to tinker with until you learn their secrets. Now you can take out the lock from the side. on the right). Keine Sorge, du findest auf jeden Fall genau die richtige Formulierung aus den ber 50 Mglichkeiten. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Your main target is to open all the locks. Insert the capsule into the box so that it fits completely. To send data to sendinblue, you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by sendinblue. We recommend setting the left and the right wheels on position 6. Im Prinzip verluft das Spiel zu Beginn sehr hnlich wie bei den Detective Stories. Write the first review for this item and help others make a purchase decision! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Put the message in the capsule so that it fits in its narrow part. Keine Sorge, du findest auf jeden Fall genau die richtige Formulierung aus den ber 50 Mglichkeiten. Hier msst ihr mit modernster Technik einen antiken Mordfall lsen. Ziehe Schlssel 2 heraus. Cluebox, Detective Stories, Escape Games, Escape Greeting Cards and more! Durch Klicken auf Alle akzeptieren gestatten Sie den Einsatz folgender Dienste auf unserer Website: YouTube, Vimeo, ReCaptcha, Facebook Pixel, Sendinblue, Google Tracking. This is what it should look like in future, when all the keys will be in. The principle is the following: when you unlock the first horizontal slider the vertical slider should still be able to move freely in 3 positions. Would you still like a clue? Made of natural wood and built by hand Dabei werden unter Umstnden Drittanbieter-Cookies auf Ihrem Endgert gespeichert. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Now we will bring the sliders into the initial position. Developed . Fr lngeren Spielspa mit mehr Materialien empfehlen wir Fall 1 bis 3 und unsere History Edition. Wenn ihr noch nicht sicher seid, welches Spiel sich am besten fr eure Truppe eignet, kommt hier eine kleine Vorstellung von jedem Spiel. Move the horizontal sliders to the left (with the help of the vertical slider) using the following sequence (exactly in this order): Now move the sliders 3,1,4 to the right (exactly in this order and again using the vertical slider). Now we will bring the sliders into the initial position. First you can see the symbols: 5=7. Check those which are moving, There are other elements of the box which are required to open the capsule, There is another element which can be used to decode the message, Read the message inside the capsule using the ray fish element, Visit and use this as the password. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Typically puzzle boxes don't provide clue structure. The settings will be remembered for the next time you visit our online shop. Captains Nemo Nautilus. In this position the left wheel should be on 7. Lisa is the heart of REA and also bakes all of our escakes. Auch die Fuballfans kommen hier auf ihre Kosten: in Fall 3 Stillsee gibt es einen mysterisen Tod eines Fuballspielers aufzudecken. There are 4 layers of the puzzle, each of which has a few separate small puzzles that you will need to solve in order to get to the bottom. They are blocked. Please email me the latest information on your product portfolio regularly and in accordance with your data, incl. Lastly, put the keys back into the holes on the lower surface and turn them by 90 degrees. The same symbols can be found on the cryptographic gearwheels. At iDventure we design and develop creative Escape Room puzzles, immersive Detective and Escape games. IMPORTANT: From all the keys there are four keys, whose endings you will see on the side of the box with petals. Insert the narrow key (make sure the cavity looks face up!!! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. There is nothing based on randomness, but only on logical decisions. Um Inhalte von YouTube auf dieser Seite zu entsperren, ist Ihre Zustimmung zur Datenweitergabe und Make sure the hole on the Octopus side is empty, Adjust the moving bars according to the symbols, Insert the last key. You can change these settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner).For more information on cookie lifetime and required essential cookies, please see the Privacy notice. Set 4 sliders according to the symbols Star, Ring, Lamp and Magnet. Um Inhalte von Vimeo auf dieser Seite zu entsperren, ist Ihre Zustimmung zur Datenweitergabe und To open the box make sure that all the petals on the front side of the box are released from their slots: To open the capsule you will need these four keys: Find the embayments in the capsule which correspond with the endings of the keys. They exist for you to tinker with until you learn their secrets. In his hands there was the sword which accompanied the knight until the end of his days. Bei Fall 1 Das Feuer in Adlerstein msst ihr aufklren, was es mit besagtem Feuer auf sich hat und wer das Feuer gelegt hat. dann auch nicht auf dieser Seite verwendet werden. In other words, it is an escape room in a handy format! For example if you want the middle wheel to come to the position of 4 and its current position is 3 (the difference is equal +1), then set the left wheel on 3 (2+1), The contours of the figure key can be found somewhere else on the box, Find the tortoises on the box, there is more than one, Press the button with the tortoise and holding the button pressed release the key with the tortoise symbol. As soon as you adjust the wheels to the 245 position you will be able to extract the wide figure key. Geld-Zurck-Versprechen. Now you know the third symbol. Ermitteln auf der Polarstation und findet heraus, wer den unerklrlichen Mord begangen hat. You wish that youd thought of it too. After you did that make sure to put all the ribs in the position down as shown. The box is solved sequentially, youll solve one part then the next, tools will be unlocked and used later. This corresponds to the letter S, which you can see in the window on the opposite side. iDventure Games. The blue arrow in the photo shows the order in which the symbols on the gears should be set. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Cluebox had a light story behind it and a series of clues engraved into its sides. On the gear wheel with the numbers you put the number . When you are stuck at a certain step, you can refer to the information below. Ihr selber stellt dabei das Headquarter der Operation dar und steuert die Feldagenten, die fr euch Auftrge erledigen. Insert the last narrow key with the cavity facing up, as shown. The symbols on the slider appear on the cryptographic gearwheels. Newsletter abonnieren und nie wieder wichtige Informationen ber Neuheiten, Verfgbarkeit der Lieblingsartikel oder Sonderaktionen verpassen! If not, use the keys to find and adjust the right position. As an amazon associate we earn affiliate commissions from qualifying purchases. The ribs of the capsule have different forms. About iDventure Cluebox Escape Room In A Box - Schrodinger's Cat. There are more creative games and puzzles to discover. Holding the big figure key pulled, insert the small curved key which blocks the ray fish. To do this, please go to the point of the instructions: This is the riddle where your adventure starts. Check whether the ribs of the capsule are in the right position to close it. Wenn ihr eine Abkhlung braucht, ist Fall 2 Antartkis Fatale perfekt! Setze die Zahnrder neben dem Rochen auf Position 2,4,5. Im ersten Schritt msst ihr dann die ganzen Unterlagen sichten und einordnen: Was genau ist passiert? Bei unserem Kryptos hast du die Mglichkeit einen ganz eigenen Code aus 6 Buchstaben einzustellen. As for the complexity this puzzle will probably take you a few hours to solve. nie wieder wichtige Informationen ber Neuheiten, Verfgbarkeit der Lieblingsartikel oder Sonderaktionen verpassen! Dabei arbeitet ihr sozusagen der Polizei zu, die den Fall anschlieend an die Staatsanwaltschaft bergibt. This went a lot smoother than the previous Cluebox we opened ( Cluebox: Schrdin. Cluebox - iDventure Cluebox - an Escape Room in the Box. Then pull the key and while holding it pulled, release another key, To solve the task with the locks, the first thing to understand is that the movement of the horizontal sliders is determined by the position of the vertical slider. Ohne Zuerst muss der Raub berhaupt erstmal geplant werden. 3 Campaigns |. Im ersten Schritt msst ihr dann die ganzen Unterlagen sichten und einordnen: Was genau ist passiert? Wenn ihr eine Abkhlung braucht, ist Fall 2 Antartkis Fatale perfekt! Insert the last narrow key with the cavity facing up, as shown. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ihre Zustimmung findet keine Datenweitergabe an Vimeo statt, jedoch knnen die Funktionen von Vimeo After you gave your permission, you might be asked to answer a security prompt to send the form. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Subscribe to our newsletter and never again miss important information about novelties, availability of your favorite items or special offers! Until Galahad, son of Lancelot, came along. Rotate the wheel to the left, as indicated by the buoy icon, AND look at the symbols that can be seen in the middle of the octopus. The aging King Arthur asks mage Merlin to find a worthy knight who can take part in the quest for the Holy Grail. It is best to write them down. ).Then adjust the ray fish. Etc. Then insert the endings of the petals into corresponding slots you find on the capsule. Now you should put the upper slider on the back of the box in the appropriate position, next to the picture of the star. Du suchst etwas, um deine Liebe oder Anerkennung auszudrcken? At iDventure we design and develop creative Escape Room puzzles, immersive Detective and Escape games. For further details, please see the Privacy notice. gesetzlicher USt., zzgl. There is nothing based on randomness, but only on logical decisions. Cluebox by iDventures, Karakuri Super CUBI 324 Steps to Solve Limited Edition Japanese Puzzle Box, Karakuri Bad Radio 1000$ Japanese Puzzle Box, Moon and Bear Puzzle Unique and Beautiful Karakuri Puzzle Box, Bitcoin Puzzle with Playing Card Decks Puzzle Box by Oskar van Deventer. However, you will also not be able to use the YouTube services on this website. be transferred to Vimeo. If you extracted the key at some point dont put it in yet, until you read to do so. This is the clue for the final step. Put the message in the capsule so that it fits in its narrow part. Take the big key with the tortoise and the narrow key with a big cavity (not with a small one!!!). All rights reserved. This went a lot smoother than the previous Cluebox we opened (, but I think that's because the puzzle design was a lot more intuitive, not because it was significantly easier. Step 2If you get stuck, our solution web page mentioned in the Cluebox manual will help you out with hints. *If the figure key is not in the box insert it into the slot at this point. Nehmen Sie bitte ber einen alternativen Weg zu uns Kontakt auf. I am sure that, 2023 Puzzle Score | All Rights Reserved. Learn how your comment data is processed. Schreckt davor nicht zurck und begebt euch auf eine multimediale Spurensuche. However, you will also not be able to use the Vimdeo services on this website. Holding the tortoise key pulled, insert the narrow key. These cookies do not store any personal information. Einige Hinweise sind unter Umstnden nicht auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen, daher solltet ihr als Team immer im Gesprch miteinander bleiben wie auch in guten Beziehungen gilt hier communication is key. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of these files. Ihr werdet auch Hinweise finden, die euch ins Internet fhren werden. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. To send data to sendinblue, you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by sendinblue. Seid ihr eher Fans von historischen Geschichten, oder es zieht euch in die Ferne? Besides the arrow (on the box) you see the same symbol (like a torn-off sheet of paper), which corresponds to the symbol on the slider. Nur dann knnt ihr sicher sein, dass ihr auch nichts bersehen habt. Please read the last part of the tutorial if you want to place a gift into the box. dann auch nicht auf dieser Seite verwendet werden. same buoy image can be found on the bottom of Nautilus Cluebox. Here is the explanation of how to decode the first 4 symbols using the decoder. Seid ihr eher Fans von historischen Geschichten, oder es zieht euch in die Ferne? Ihr erhalten mit den Spielmaterialien also eine Ermittlungsakte ganz so, wie man es aus Krimifilmen kennt. This symbol determines the right position of the bar. Sie werden nach Ihrer Zustimmung unter Umstnden dazu aufgefordert, eine Sicherheitsabfrage zu beantworten, um das Formular absenden zu knnen. Now you look for the puzzle piece, where the edge corresponds to the other side of the symbol (you find it on the upper surface). Perfect gift and a unique gift box, And a unique experience that you will remember for a long time afterwards, 195 parts precisely cut from natural birch wood with finest laser technology, Your own little escape room that you can take with you or use as a gift, Each side is a piece from the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. +49 15739617159. The ribs of the capsule have different forms. Now you should put the upper slider at the front of the box in the appropriate position. This allows us to improve your user experience and to make our website better and more interesting. Left wheel should be on 2, right wheel on 5, Take these three elements, including the narrow key. In the initial position, all the horizontal sliders but for the second row, are in the opened position. Each one is described as an escape room in a box. This suggests that those 2 symbols on the slider must be set on the 1st and 2nd gearwheels. Cambridge Labyrinth, Cluebox - Escape Room in a Box. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Sometimes it is not necessary to put the fifth key into the keyhole, when the box is held horizontally. To release the big figure key squeeze the parts with the arrows with your fingers and pull the key out. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This is the clue to the final step. As soon as you adjust the moving bars exactly you will be able to insert the keys easily! As initially the slider is not moving, the only thing you can do is moving slider 4 to the left, The next step is to shift slider 1 and 3 to the left. Ihr selber stellt dabei das Headquarter der Operation dar und steuert die Feldagenten, die fr euch Auftrge erledigen. Would you like to see these contents? Once you have given your consent, the third-party data can be loaded. Das Herz dient als Geschenkverpackung fr etwas Kleines und gleichzeitig dient es auch als Tresor, denn du kannst aus ber 50 verschiedenen Stzen whlen, die den Geheimcode ergeben. The puzzle consists of several layers and has the form of a box.